I feel like all I am ever asking for is for you guys to pray for me, but if you can't ask your friends for prayer, who can you ask?
I have an interview on Wednesday at 3 at Chase bank. It is a full time position and I am really wanting this job.
Please pray!!
Monday, December 15, 2008
I know...I know
Posted by Danielle at 5:05 PM 2 comments
Friday, December 12, 2008
So, my wonderful hubby called me when he got off of work yesterday and the job at the station that we had been praying for, well, God finally opened the doors and they offered him a position with pay!! I was so stoked. It isn't what he had originally asked for, but it is more than enough to cover the bills for the month and if I can find a part time job, then we will be fine.
Posted by Danielle at 9:23 AM 4 comments
Posted by Danielle at 9:13 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Jesus does work things out
OK, so I know that I really don't post anything on here unless it is something important and never really just post to post and I feel that that is OK. I just have a few things...
1) We are hurting financially, as everyone is, and was praying yesterday that God would provide something...WELL HE DID THIS MORNING!! Hunter, as of right now, is still on food stamps which has helped out tremendously. I filed our changes about 2 weeks ago and they sent me an email that someone would be contacting me with 13 days and no one has. He have needed food for about a week and I have been stretching things to make them last hoping and praying that these food stamps would come in. I prayed last night at about 12:30 that God would provide something and this morning, there was all of the stamps in the account!! I got up and danced for a minute and Rich just smiled at me (he was thinking that I am crazy). It may seem small to some people, but to me, IT WAS GOD!!
2) Rich has been "working" at Star 88.3 in Fort Wayne for almost a month with no pay since they are non-profit and everything has to go before the board for approval. We have been waiting for a date to meet with them and talk about hiring him full time. That meeting came yesterday. Melissa Montana, the General Manager, went in first and was in there for about 1.5 hours. Rich was texting me about how nervous he was, and we just kept praying that God would open the doors that were supposed to be open and shut the ones that needed shut. How many of you know that when times get hard and money gets tight that it is VERY HARD to trust God, but that is what we as Christians have to do. He called me at about 4:30 and Melissa was walking in the door as he was talking to me that it was his turn to talk to the men of the task force. I don't know all the details except that the meeting went really well and they have to take it to the board of directors on Thursday and then we should have an answer. He has been very up front with them about the money that he needs to make and has made financial sacrifices to be there without pay and Melissa sees that. She has been a very huge blessing to us and we are grateful for her. Please pray that God would open this door wide open. We need to have some money come in pretty soon or the well will run dry.
3) I had a phone interview yesterday with a recruiter from Chase bank about a position in Fort Wayne. It is part-time, but Chase offers benefits to part-time employees. There are not a lot of companies that offer benefits to part-timers, so this would be a great opportunity for us. Please pray that if I am supposed to work period, that God would open the doors for me to work.
4) Our children seem to be growing up WAY to fast. Claire turned 11 on Nov 29Th, Chloe will be 8 on Friday and our baby will be 4 in March. Why do they have to grow up? It is hard knowing that Hunter needs to go to preschool in the spring or at the latest in the fall...that Claire is almost in junior high and Chloe will be in 3rd grade next year. WHAT?? Where does all the time go?
5) Hunter is doing very well medically right now. We only have to dialate his rectum once a week, but we now have to dialate his stoma for his colostomy everyday to keep that open. It started to close and caused him to become very sick, so we now have to keep it open that way. It doesn't hurt him, just very un-nerving. He associates the pain from his rectum to there being pain in his colostomy, but there is not pain in that at all.
6) Rich and I are doing very well. No problems to speak of. We are doing the Love Dare from the movie Fireproof. We are doing it together and we can tell when we miss a couple of days...we are off and don't really click. It is weird how God does that with our marriage. He is showing us day in and day out that we HAVE to be focused on Him or WE won't work. He is the best husband that a girl could ask for...I love you honey and am so blessed to be Mrs. Cummins.
7) Chloe's mom, Tara, is going to the doctor today. She could have an ectopic pregnancy and she is pretty worried. She went in on Friday and they told her that she had to have surgery yesterday, but she went in on Monday and they told her that she could be pregnant. She has to go in for tests today for the answer tomorrow. She is pretty scared, but also trying not to get to excited about the possibility of being pregnant for fear that it is ectopic and she will lose the baby. Please pray for her and for this little one. She is badly wants to be pregnant and Chloe wants to have a baby somewhere and God knows that it isn't from her dad and I right now. So, please pray!
I think that is all for now. Thank you all for your prayers and for rejoicing with us. You are all a treasure to our hearts!
We love you,
Rich, Danielle, Claire, Chloe, and Hunter
Posted by Danielle at 6:58 AM 3 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
Well, I have so very exciting news. I had an interview today with Grabill bank and I am going for my second interview on Thursday at 10 am with the Regional manager. The lady that I interviewed with today told me that she really liked me and that I was one of her favorite interviews, EVER! She tried to stump me the whole time and couldn't do it...she ended the interview with this final comment/question..."Give me a 30 second commercial and sell yourself to me!" At first I was like...WHAT, but then I just started talking and it just flowed out. She had to stop me. She said that all of the girls that she has interviewed have stopped before or just around 15 seconds and that she has never had to stop someone. I am so stoked. We talked about the possibility of going to full time and she said that she doesn't know of a girl that hasn't gone to full time within 4 months, so that would be awesome! Their benefits are amazing...AMAZING!!!
So here is a funny Hunterism:This morning the three of us were sitting a the table eating breakfast and Hunter was being totally hyper, and Rich looked at him and said "You've got alot of engery this morning, huh bud?" and Hunter's response sent both of us in stiches..."Yep and I got issues!" We were like, WHAT? He then proceded to say"I got belly issues, silly issues, I just got issues!" This kids comidic timing is insane. He isn't going to be the class clown of just his class, he is going to be the class clown of the whole flipping school!
Posted by Danielle at 4:40 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Again, I am sorry that it has taken me so long to post. I have been very very busy...between kids, hubby, trying to find a job and oh yeah...still organizing this house! My life seems to run full bore from sun up to sun down and way past it...that is the life of a stay and home mom huh?
Well on a brighter note...Rich is now contracting with Star 88.3 which is a local Christian radio station in Fort Wayne and the general manager's name is Melissa Montana. Yesterday she sent Rich home with a present for me. It is a 60 minute elmental nature massage from InTouch salon and spa in Fort Wayne...I was totally shocked. They are being so good to Rich...he loves it there. They are doing everything possible to make him comfertable. They set him up an office and bought him new office furniture...WOW!! He has never been treated like this. He is so happy and I am happy for him!
I am still looking for a job...which is hard right now, but it can only go up, right? I surely hope so.
I added the kids birthday tickers to the space and our anniversary ticker. I can't believe that Claire Mattea will be 11 in 4 days and our little Chloe will be 8 in less than a month and more than that...I can't believe that Hunter will be 4, yes I said 4, in 4 months!! That is amazing to me!
Posted by Danielle at 3:46 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I know that it has been almost a month since the last time that I bloged and I am sorry. Life has been pretty chaotic since we have been married. We are still trying to get the house in order and everything put away...that is quite the chore!! I finally got pics from the wedding developed and some of them in frames.
Hunter is doing well. He is quite the clown. We went to dinner with a couple from our church and their son, Andrew and Hunter was cracking him up all night long. He was making faces at Andrew and tickeling him. I know that within the first week of kindergarten, I am going to get a phone call that will go something like this:
School:Hello, may I please speak with Mrs. Cummins?
Me: This is...
School: Mrs. Cummins, would you please some pick your son up from school? We have him here in the office.
Me: What did he do?
School: He was being a class clown and talking far too much.
Now, I wasn't the perfect student by any means...I got int trouble quite often for talking, but never for being the class clown!! I will give it to him...he is VERY funny!! There are nights at the table, when he has Rich and I in hysterics!! I don't know where he gets it from, cuz at that age...I wasn't very funny. I know that I am now and maybe that is where he has gotten it from...I don't know!
Now, on a serious note. I am begging for some prayer. Rich is currently looking for a job and has a couple of offers, but don't feel right about them in our spirits. We need God to show us the right job that he should take and to open the doors for that job. It is a lot of stress and pressure for him now that he has 2 extra people to take care of. I am also looking for a job with good benefits, so if anyone knows of anything, please let me know!! Right now, I am willing to do about anything...except retail due to the hours. I am really looking for a banking position...preferably part time with benefits, but I also know that is hard to find. So, if you could please pray about this, it would take a huge load off to know that there is more than just 2 people pray about it.
Hope everyone is doing well,
Danielle, Rich, Claire, Chloe, and Hunter
Posted by Danielle at 8:31 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Let me introduce myself...I'm Mrs. Cummins
Posted by Danielle at 7:31 AM 8 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
It's finally here
I can't believe that we are getting married tomorrow!! I can barely sleep. It is ten till 7 and I have already been up since 4:30 and can't go back to sleep. I am going to have to take something to sleep tonight or I am going to be exhausted during the wedding.
So, I have everything planned and it is going to be awesome. I am excited to see it all together.
Posted by Danielle at 6:49 AM 6 comments
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I'm sorry
So, first let me apologize for not updating until now. We have been at the new house most of the time cleaning and unpacking and haven't had my computer nor have I been at the hospital.
Let's see...where do you want me to start...Since Friday...Hunter has made great improvements. They moved him to regular Peds on Monday. He was a very busy boy the last couple of days. Sunday, Beth and her 2 boys and Lance and Megan and their 3 boys where here, yesterday Uncle Stevie(Rich's brother) came and ate lunch with him...he hasn't lacked for attention. Today, I made him get up and walk around...so Rich and I took him to the play room and he played for a while. He still gets tired very easily...he was ready to go back to his room and he has never asked to do that, so i know that he is still in pain and is really tired if he is asking if he can stop playing.
We put a huge dent in the move. We just have SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much stuff! If anyone wants to help...by all means...I won't say no!! We have alot of work to do before we will be done. I am excited...it is starting to look like OUR house!!
I am so tired, can't really think of anything else to say. If you have questions, please ask!
Thanks for praying and to my family...thanks for pulling together for us. Rich and I appreciate it more than you know!
Posted by Danielle at 3:56 PM 1 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
Hunter update
I couldn't get my computer to work yesterday, so that is why I couldn't update...he had a horrible day yesterday. He had a fever most of the day yesterday and was in a lot of pain. Today his color looks really good, his heart rate has come down a ton, his labs have come back very good. I am hoping that today Dr. Smith will order for his foley catheter to come out as well as his NG tube(it is in his stomach pumping it out). Once that is out of his stomach, he can start drinking and eating. He looks like he finally feels better.
I am doing ok...getting worn out. We are moving all of Rich's stuff this weekend, so I will be going home on Saturday and finish packing my stuff. Mom has been working at it all week...Thanks mom, you are the best!!
We are so excited. We are getting married in 15 days. I can't believe that it is almost here...WOW!! I am so excited! Whenever Hunter is in the hospital, I stay at his mom's house and it is nice to get to see him everyday. The girls are so excited to be moving...alot of drama at the house and they are ready for some peace and quiet!! I am too...
Thank you so much for praying for him. I am hoping that this will cure a bunch of things for Hunter...weight, blockages...just a bunch of things!
Just keep swiming, just keep swimming...
Posted by Danielle at 9:07 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
My poor baby
Yesterday, I tried to give Hunter his enema and didn't get any results and he was screaming. I called Dr. Smith and asked him to see him cuz I thought that he might just have a bowel obstruction, so he saw him at 1:45. He did a direct admit to Lutheran for x-rays and dehydration. The xray came back that his colon was perforated(had a hole in it), so the nurse, which I have to say is the best nurse here...Corrie...she is always his nurse here, came in and told me that Dr. Smith was on his way over to do surgery. Of course my first thought that I said out loud was, "Does that poor man ever get a break? Is the child already here that he is going to be working on?" WELL DUH DANIELLE!!! SHE WAS TALKING ABOUT HUNTER!! He came in and told me that he didn't know where it was or how bad it was, but that he could just tell that it was perforated. After the surgery, he came out and said that it was nothing that I could have avoided or done. His large intestine had wrapped around the new appliance that Dr. Levitt in Cincy had put in to do his enema's and it was so kinked that it ripped. So they took him in he said that it was ginormous...it was about 9 inches in diameter and it was dead, so he took out about 9 inches of Hunter's colon, and placed a colostomy bag. He had this when he was first born but there is the possibility that this one could be permanent. It will possibly help him gain weight, so that is a plus. He won't have to sit on the toilet for over an hour for an enema...this is a good thing. His color is so much better today.
One of my parents pastor, Butch, and one of our pastors and his wife, Mark and Renita, came up last night which was a very pleasant surprise. Hunter is so loved.
Please continue to pray for him. I know that you will!
Posted by Danielle at 11:36 AM 2 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
This weekend
So, Beth and Sue had my bridal shower this weekend and it was great! We got a ton of great stuff. I was so stocked about everything I got. Thanks to everyone that came and for all of the great gifts. I guess I will be doing a bunch of cooking this winter!!
So I will be packing all of my things this week and start the long move to grandma's house aka our house! I am super excited to get in down there, but dreading the packing part. The worst part for me will be going through ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL of Hunter's toys trying to figure out what will stay here and what we will take and what we will give away!! Between him and the girls, we could open our own toy store. I do have to say for the girls...they have already gone through their stuff and got rid of a bunch of stuff!! I am very proud of them!
We will then be packing up Rich and moving him on Saturday. All of his stuff will be here, although he won't be living there till we get back from the honeymoon!! I am super stoked though. We only have 19 more days!! I can't wait!! It will just be nice to not have to wait 5 days to see him anymore...I can go to sleep seeing him and wake up seeing him.
My poor baby though, last night we were playing tennis with mom and dad and Ric and Sue and he was showboating just a little bit to Ric and my poor sweetheart sprained his ankle. Ric laughed at that for a while. I felt bad for him, so I took care of him when we got home. I miss him already and he has only been gone for about 4 hours!!
So, I really don't have anything else to talk about except this is going to be a crazy week! Please pray for us that I don't lose my sanity!
Posted by Danielle at 12:18 PM 1 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
Sorry for not updating
So, I know that I haven't been very good about doing this, so today I am going to update everything that I can.
2 days ago Hunter had an outpatient surgery to dialate his rectum. When I took him to Cincy for this June surgery, Dr. Levitt was working on his rectum and made it too small, so we had been trying to reopen in, but it wasn't working like it should have, so Dr. Smith did it under anesthesia. We will have to do it for about 2 weeks and then hopefully never again. He is doing very well with it though. He obviously hates the actual dialation, but his enema went awesome last night.
I am having a pretty rough day. I am miss grandpa Hose pretty badly today. I really don't know why, but I am. Mom and I helped grandma pack the upstairs yesterday and I saw stuff that was his and a couple of things that reminded me of him and I didn't think that it would affect me the way that it has. It will be 3 years this October 15th. I always thought that he would be at my wedding and he won't be, Hunter and the girls will never know him, just a lot of emotions right now and I don't know why. Maybe it is time for mother nature to come visit, but I am very emotional today.
We only have 29 days left before the wedding and am starting to feel overwhelmed already. Did a count yesterday and we have 140 people coming. I was only expecting 130, so 10-20 more people is a little crazy for me.
Just please pray. This is a huge transition for myself and my family.
Posted by Danielle at 12:34 PM 2 comments