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Monday, December 1, 2008


Well, I have so very exciting news. I had an interview today with Grabill bank and I am going for my second interview on Thursday at 10 am with the Regional manager. The lady that I interviewed with today told me that she really liked me and that I was one of her favorite interviews, EVER! She tried to stump me the whole time and couldn't do it...she ended the interview with this final comment/question..."Give me a 30 second commercial and sell yourself to me!" At first I was like...WHAT, but then I just started talking and it just flowed out. She had to stop me. She said that all of the girls that she has interviewed have stopped before or just around 15 seconds and that she has never had to stop someone. I am so stoked. We talked about the possibility of going to full time and she said that she doesn't know of a girl that hasn't gone to full time within 4 months, so that would be awesome! Their benefits are amazing...AMAZING!!!

So here is a funny Hunterism:This morning the three of us were sitting a the table eating breakfast and Hunter was being totally hyper, and Rich looked at him and said "You've got alot of engery this morning, huh bud?" and Hunter's response sent both of us in stiches..."Yep and I got issues!" We were like, WHAT? He then proceded to say"I got belly issues, silly issues, I just got issues!" This kids comidic timing is insane. He isn't going to be the class clown of just his class, he is going to be the class clown of the whole flipping school!


Beth said...

He is so soft spoken, its so funny to think of those comments coming out of his mouth. HIllarious! Praise God on your new job. I heard Rich has the flu. Yuck. I will pray for him to get better. Can't wait for the 14th!! It's gonna be crazy fun!

Danielle said...

I don't have the job yet