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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Jesus does work things out

OK, so I know that I really don't post anything on here unless it is something important and never really just post to post and I feel that that is OK. I just have a few things...

1) We are hurting financially, as everyone is, and was praying yesterday that God would provide something...WELL HE DID THIS MORNING!! Hunter, as of right now, is still on food stamps which has helped out tremendously. I filed our changes about 2 weeks ago and they sent me an email that someone would be contacting me with 13 days and no one has. He have needed food for about a week and I have been stretching things to make them last hoping and praying that these food stamps would come in. I prayed last night at about 12:30 that God would provide something and this morning, there was all of the stamps in the account!! I got up and danced for a minute and Rich just smiled at me (he was thinking that I am crazy). It may seem small to some people, but to me, IT WAS GOD!!

2) Rich has been "working" at Star 88.3 in Fort Wayne for almost a month with no pay since they are non-profit and everything has to go before the board for approval. We have been waiting for a date to meet with them and talk about hiring him full time. That meeting came yesterday. Melissa Montana, the General Manager, went in first and was in there for about 1.5 hours. Rich was texting me about how nervous he was, and we just kept praying that God would open the doors that were supposed to be open and shut the ones that needed shut. How many of you know that when times get hard and money gets tight that it is VERY HARD to trust God, but that is what we as Christians have to do. He called me at about 4:30 and Melissa was walking in the door as he was talking to me that it was his turn to talk to the men of the task force. I don't know all the details except that the meeting went really well and they have to take it to the board of directors on Thursday and then we should have an answer. He has been very up front with them about the money that he needs to make and has made financial sacrifices to be there without pay and Melissa sees that. She has been a very huge blessing to us and we are grateful for her. Please pray that God would open this door wide open. We need to have some money come in pretty soon or the well will run dry.

3) I had a phone interview yesterday with a recruiter from Chase bank about a position in Fort Wayne. It is part-time, but Chase offers benefits to part-time employees. There are not a lot of companies that offer benefits to part-timers, so this would be a great opportunity for us. Please pray that if I am supposed to work period, that God would open the doors for me to work.

4) Our children seem to be growing up WAY to fast. Claire turned 11 on Nov 29Th, Chloe will be 8 on Friday and our baby will be 4 in March. Why do they have to grow up? It is hard knowing that Hunter needs to go to preschool in the spring or at the latest in the fall...that Claire is almost in junior high and Chloe will be in 3rd grade next year. WHAT?? Where does all the time go?

5) Hunter is doing very well medically right now. We only have to dialate his rectum once a week, but we now have to dialate his stoma for his colostomy everyday to keep that open. It started to close and caused him to become very sick, so we now have to keep it open that way. It doesn't hurt him, just very un-nerving. He associates the pain from his rectum to there being pain in his colostomy, but there is not pain in that at all.

6) Rich and I are doing very well. No problems to speak of. We are doing the Love Dare from the movie Fireproof. We are doing it together and we can tell when we miss a couple of days...we are off and don't really click. It is weird how God does that with our marriage. He is showing us day in and day out that we HAVE to be focused on Him or WE won't work. He is the best husband that a girl could ask for...I love you honey and am so blessed to be Mrs. Cummins.

7) Chloe's mom, Tara, is going to the doctor today. She could have an ectopic pregnancy and she is pretty worried. She went in on Friday and they told her that she had to have surgery yesterday, but she went in on Monday and they told her that she could be pregnant. She has to go in for tests today for the answer tomorrow. She is pretty scared, but also trying not to get to excited about the possibility of being pregnant for fear that it is ectopic and she will lose the baby. Please pray for her and for this little one. She is badly wants to be pregnant and Chloe wants to have a baby somewhere and God knows that it isn't from her dad and I right now. So, please pray!

I think that is all for now. Thank you all for your prayers and for rejoicing with us. You are all a treasure to our hearts!

We love you,
Rich, Danielle, Claire, Chloe, and Hunter


Beth said...

What happened with the Grabill Bank position?

That's awesome about the food stamps. God has blessed us in those areas in time of desperate need as well. He is an awesome God.

I will be praying about Thursday.

Danielle said...

I never had the job at Grabill. They will let me know either way within the next couple of weeks.

StiverButterfly said...

Thanks for sharing so much! I remember when we were approved for WIC when I was pregnant with Hudson; I just cried for joy! May the Lord continue to bless and keep you.