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Monday, January 5, 2009

On with the search

Well, I received an email sometime last week that I didn't get the job at chase and I was very upset. I don't understand why I didn't get the job, but God has His reasons. I have an interview today at 4 with Tower bank for a full time position downtown...we will see. Maybe there is a reason I can't seem to get a job...I don't know. I am trying not to give up hope and I know that the economy sucks and nobody is really hiring right now...I am truly leaving it in God's hands.

Please pray for something... we have a couple in our small group that is struggling very badly right now and have asked Rich and I to be their accountability partners. They are going through the same crap that we went through in our relationship and we both feel that God put us in their lives over a year ago for such a time as this...just please pray!! It is hard, but we know that God is bigger than this!


Beth said...

How did your interview go with Tower? I hate the interview process. It's no fun. I am praying that God has a job lined up for you soon!

I am glad God is gonna use you and Rich to help this other couple. That's great!

Beth said...

The update police are bangin at your door.

Abigail Rose said...

Hey there! So great to read about what's going on w/ you and your new family. Congrats to you! I was reading back a couple of your blogs and noticed you seem to be really struggling financially.... have you ever heard of Angel Food Ministries? I just learned about them about a month ago and had looked into it for us actually. They have locations all over the place in Fort Wayne and other places, and you get a menu of food choices that you would typically buy during a regular grocery trip for a seriously low price. The website is http://www.angelfoodministries.com/

There is no qualifications or questions as far as I know. You should check it out b/c I know it has helped a lot of people, especially during these rough economic times. Let me know what ya think.

Again, great to get in touch!!!

Danielle said...

Hey Abby,

We were at that time, but God has blessed us!! I will keep that in mind in case we start to struggle again. Thanks for the info.