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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

OMGosh...I'm so excited

So, Rich and I have been talking about alot of stuff lately...I can't seem to get a job...I feel like I do nothing, but take care of the house...not getting any of these jobs has really hurt my self-esteem and I shouldn't let it do that to me, but it has. So, we have decided that I am going to start the process to go to nursing school at IPFW. I just finished filling out the application and have to wait on some forms to do the financial aid stuff, but I am pretty stoked. Hunter is going to be having another surgery hopefully, late May to close the colostomy and try and let him poop naturally since all of the dead colon has been removed. Dr. Smith seems pretty excited that it is going to work this time. I want to make sure that everything is good with him before I start in at school. I am really excited about this. I have wanted to go back to school for a long time, but have made excuses why I couldn't for a few years, but now I have the backing of my wonderful parents and the love of my life.

Also, I found a free Pre-K in Butler...HOLY COW!! It will be at Butler Elementary Monday though Thursday from 9:15-12:45 and they give them breakfast and lunch. I talked to Hunter about it yesterday and he said that he can't wait to go to school. If they are able to get him on the route, he will get picked up by the bus and brought home on the bus. I am so excited for him. I called the lady this morning...Rich and I would like to meet with her Monday evening to fill out the application and talk about the program some more. YEAH HUNTER!!!

I don't really have anything more to talk about. I am pretty excited for the Super Bowl...we are going to Rich's buddy Tim's house with his fiance Julie and there son Zidon. They are a blast and Hunter really likes Zidon.

So, is anyone going to join Rich and I for the Mandisa concert on Valentines Day???

Friday, January 23, 2009

Fine, Whatever!

Since it appears that I am being "hated on" by everyone that I know. I am just going to come out and be the first to say it..."I AM RETARD AT THIS STUFF!" I know that is very shocking for all of you to hear, but I am! I don't know what happened to my camera cord, but something happened to it and I don't know how to just go to Walmart and put everything on a disc. I have taken some very good pics and have stuff on there from our honeymoon (good pics of Gettysburg), but can't dump them off my camera, cuz I'm and ID!!! I'm sorry for not being as well versed in these things as the rest of you...Please acctept my humble apologies. I will try and find the cord. We really don't do much though...

So, today I got a Wii Fit and I am totally STOKED!!! It has Yoga, strength excersies, balance training, and a couple of other things. I LOVE IT!! We decided that it is something that I could do at home while Hunter is napping and don't have to waste gas money driving to DuPont where we have our family gym membership unless I am already in Fort Wayne. The only thing that I don't like about it is that it tells you your weight...BMI and a couple of other things and I wish that I didn't know those things. I thought I had gained some weight, but I didn't know that it was as much as this is telling me. It takes your weight, BMI and your actual age and tells you what age you are weighting at. Want to know what I am...(drumroll please) 32!!!! I am 2 1/2 years heaver than I should be!! WHAT THE CRAP!!! I am not eating anymore junk...EVER!!! If any of you would like to come check what you are, by all means come stop over and check it!! Other than that, I am loving the excerises!! It really is cool!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

So my girlfriend Karla tagged me with a challenge today. Go to the folder where I keep all of my pics, go to the 4th one, and pick the 4th pic in that folder and explain it, so here it goes...
This picture was taken at my Aunt Jo's house after my grandm Yarger passed away June 1st of 2007. The guy in the white shirt is my dad's counsin Sam and that is his wife Diana and their son whom I don't remember his name.
I challenge Beth, Mandy H., Manda, and Tara to this tag...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I don't really know...

So, I don't post very often any more because I don't really have anything to blog about. I stay at home and clean and take care of the boy...which really is nice. I have applied and been interviewed at 3 different banks, but to no avail. I have been denied by all three places, which for me is very hard. I have never had a hard time getting a job. We are beginning to think that God wants me to stay at home and worry about taking care of my family, but who am I to tell God what is right and what is wrong.

So, I was reading on a girlfriends blog the other day that her daughter, Delancey waits for her brother Bennett to get off the bus from school everyday and it reminded me of something funny. Every since Rich and I have been married and Hunter has realized that daddy will be coming to our house everynite, I started telling him when Rich pulled in the drive way and he runs to the kitchen window to make sure that I am telling him the truth and then runs to the front door, slams open the door and presses his face against the glass door and yells at the top of his lungs, (like Rich can hear it in the garage) "Welcome home Daddy" or "HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Rich". There have been a couple of times that I have been working on dinner or something and didn't tell him that daddy was home until after Rich was in the house and Hunter got so mad at me. He looks at me and says, "MOMMY!! You are supposed to tell me when daddy is home!" Dang, didn't know that it was that big of a deal, but to both of them it is...so now I do it everyday!! As soon as I see Rich's car come over hill at my parents house, I tell Hunter that his daddy is almost here and in he comes running...now, I don't mean that he trots into the kitchen...I mean rips though like the house is on fire running!! It is so cute and as he gets older, we both know that that will stop, but Rich loves it and Hunter loves greeting his daddy when he walks in the door.

The girls are doing good. No big complaints. We have great children...now, they are getting older and with getting older comes a little bit more attitude which is something that we are having to deal with right now, but I will take the attitude over..."YOU'RE NOT MY MOM!" anyday. Claire did just get glasses and looks awesome! She is nearsighted, so she is supposed to wear them all the time at school, but we are trying to get her in the habit of wearing them all the time even out of school. Chloe is doing well...no problems with her. Hunter is an almost 4 year old boy with a ton of energy...you know how that goes.

Rich and I are doing good. We are on day 27 of "The Love Dare" and we are loving it. We can tell when we haven't done it for a couple of days...we get crabby with each other and don't really click or get along. It is a wonderful thing for us and would recommend it to anyone even if you aren't having problems in your marriage.

I guess that is all for now.

Monday, January 5, 2009

On with the search

Well, I received an email sometime last week that I didn't get the job at chase and I was very upset. I don't understand why I didn't get the job, but God has His reasons. I have an interview today at 4 with Tower bank for a full time position downtown...we will see. Maybe there is a reason I can't seem to get a job...I don't know. I am trying not to give up hope and I know that the economy sucks and nobody is really hiring right now...I am truly leaving it in God's hands.

Please pray for something... we have a couple in our small group that is struggling very badly right now and have asked Rich and I to be their accountability partners. They are going through the same crap that we went through in our relationship and we both feel that God put us in their lives over a year ago for such a time as this...just please pray!! It is hard, but we know that God is bigger than this!