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Monday, August 11, 2008

Another year older...GRRRRRRRRRRR

Well, today I am 29. What a depressing year. I am one year closer to 30 and that scares me. Oh well, that puts me one day closer to the wedding!

Speaking of my wedding, I sent out 90% of the invitations on Saturday and that brought a new reality to the wedding drawing closer. I looked at Rich and told him that if ever wanted to back out of marrying me, it was too late now. The invitations are sent, and just laughed. I was kidding of course. I think that I have everything done that I can do until about the week before the wedding.

Hunter is doing very well. The new enema is going great!! It takes a lot less time then the other one did and I am totally greatful for that. I was having problems cathing him, so they inserted a foley, which is a semi-permanent catheter. We are going to Riley on Friday to have a test done to see what is going on and we will be there all day for that. I am hoping that it was just that his inside of the penis was inflammed and having this in for 2 weeks has calmed it down and everything will be fine now...so that is what we are praying for!

If you get a chance, check out this website. I am selling tickets for Rich's company for this and am super excited about it and want all my girlfriends to come with me. Please let me know if you want to go. www.womansnightout.com


Beth said...

Happy birthday you old fart.

Manda said...

Um...hello...some of us are turning the depressing 3-0 this year. Don't rub it in! :)

Tara Stiver said...

Happy Belated Bday Danielle! Some of us are well over the big 3-0:)

Manda said...

Come on Danielle....you were doing so well blogging. You've falled off the wagon again. :)

Manda said...

Meant to say "fallen off the wagon again."