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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Pray for me

Well today I will take him in to get admitted and today could test my character a little bit. He has to be admitted by 10 and the want to start at PI CC line at 11 and that is basically an IV that lasts longer and will be placed to provide nutrients since he won't be able to eat for about 10 days. Well the PI CC like is very painful and as of last week, I was told that it will be place without any type of anesthesia and if that is still the case, I will not allow them to place it today. It would be way to traumatic for him. My deal will be that either they orally sedate him or they wait until surgery to place it, but I will not the sign the consent until they at the least orally sedate him. He then has to start a bowel prep to clean out his bowels for surgery and as of yesterday I was told that it would be done through an NG tube which goes down his nose into his stomach and I won't have that either. He still has his cecostomy and they can give him the bowel prep that way. So, please pray for me as, like I said, today may be a test of character for me. I have to look at it like this...he doesn't know what is going to happen or what is going to be done and I do and I am his parent and advocate. It is my job to make sure that he is comfortable and not scared. He has been put through so much already and I will do everything in my power to make sure that he isn't scared and that he is comfortable, so please pray for my mouth to be guarded and that I remain calm, but firm.

Love to you all,

I will post this evening what happens today with everything!!


Beth said...

I will pray for strength for you and comfort for hunter. Sometimes we have to go through the storm to see the rainbow at the end. May God hold your hands tightly and not let go. Call me if you need to talk. Much love.


Manda said...

Praying for you and Hunter. May God give you the strength and grace you need today. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

yo... love ya, prayin for ya. and don't let those docs be stupid.

Pastor Gin said...

We are praying for you and Hunter - you stay strong and be his advocate - just know that their primary objective is to make him well - We are walking with you in our hearts as you go through this time - Call if you need anything - Tonya and I are willing to make the trip!
Pastor Gin